Welcome to Pearls of Wisdom

Welcome to Pearls of Wisdom blog articles.  A blog to encourage women, to inspire, and motivate sisters who wear multiple hats in life.  A reminder to find time for yourself and to take are of you as you are a precious jewel that God created.

Someone else’s personal journey, struggles, triumph, or testimony can be the motivation or encouragement that a woman needs.  The articles will help one to discover who they are, where they are going, tap into the power of self-love, self-awareness, their purpose, their passion, and will encourage you to believe in the person that God has created you to be which is a person of greatness.

Pearls of Wisdom is a place of self-empowerment and self-love.  My goal is to inspire you to fall in love with yourself.  To encourage you to believe in the person that you are. To help you with finding the person you have been searching for and giving life’s tips and lessons along the journey to you.

One of my favorite authors

You are the designer of your destiny; you are the author of your story” Lisa Nichols

For Inspiration and Empowerment be sure to check out the lates magazine issue on Sistah’s Place Magazine.